Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vacation time

So, as you can see, i couldn't have timed my vacation any better. Going back to the homeland for a week friday, so that pretty much means no online poker for the next week. I'm sure i'll squeeze in some live poker at the local casino, so i'll have to prepare myself for the fold-fest that is live poker.
Had a pretty sick day at the tables today. It actually couid've been even sicker if, for the 2nd time this week, i didn't lose the nut full house to f-ing quads...i mean seriously twice in a week????? It's getting old!! The way this one went down to was pretty gross...i won't go into detail, but i literally probably should've folded on the flop, but proceeded to hit perfect-perfect on the turn and river giving me the full if i would've won or even chopped that hand, it could've been close to a $700 day!! Finally got paid on my big hands today which was nice, and i made a few really sick bluffs to take down some nice pots (running good makes you feel invincible and bascially allowed me to have the stones to pull off these sick bluffs).
Anyway, thats it for now...for peace of mind alone, its nice to be taking a week away from "work" ending on a good note like today...i'll try to update from home if i do make it the casino...until then

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