Sunday, September 7, 2008


So, i'm not exactly in the mood for a review seeing as i just had the sickest session since i've been playing online poker. So, that being said...August was a decent month, ended up approx. $1500 for the month...enough said. I barely played, and i probably donked off at least 100 playing razz and omha8 ( i literally had the nuts on the turn about 6 times, and never even halfed the pot on the river...just sick!!!). Bottom line...August was ok, but i need to log more hands.
On to Sept. I'm on a nice 8 buy in downswing to start the month...good times. I have a WAY too many gross beats to talk about, so i'll only talk about few. 3 limpers to me on the button, i have AA...i make it $5.5...folded to the utg limper, who limp re raises to 15 (i'm fist pumping at this point)...i deciede not to slow play it, so i make it $44...he calls...but only has like $25 left....flop comes 973 with all clubs ( i have no club, but i'm not hating life)...donkey bets $8 into the $95 i just put him all in for his last $17...he goes into the this point, i feel like he's slow rolling the nuts on me, but oh well...he times down and calls...showing 52 offsuit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! FIVE FUCKING TWO OFFSUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah, he has the 2 of clubs...guess what falls on the river..yes, a club...52 offsuit good sir...take it down...then of course, he insta leaves. One last beat...guy makes it $3.5...i have QQ on the button and bump it to $11 (yes, i should've made it more, but i was isolating this donkey, so i wanted to keep him around)...guy in BB smooth does the utg...flop comes 872...BB bets $15...utg calls...i make it $45...BB pushes and the other guy gets out of the way...the donkey in the bb was a 58/10/ i snap call him...he turns over 72 offsuit for 2 pair...he fills up on the river, and stacks me...well played sir.
This was just the tip of the iceberg this month. I've never seen anything like it. These were probably the worst 2, but i could give you another 10 or 15 betas very similar...having the STONE COLD NUTS on the turn...gettting all $300 in the pot only for the board to pair on the river, etc etc etc. I'm just sick about poker right now. I really hope its nice this week so i can play some golf because me and poker are not getting along at all.
Lastly, i'm actually going out looking for a real job tomorrow anyway, so hopefully soon i can put poker back to where it belongs...extra money...not bill life!
ps seeing as i didnt even mention it, the graph at the top of the post was how i ran today...-$500 from what i should've won...YAY!!!!
pss about the only good thing of the day was my sports gambling. Picked Dal -6 (easy money!!) Pit -7 ( see above) and i'm 2/3 done on my paraly...Car+9, sf/ari under 42 and i have the colts/bears under 44 which is going on right now
psss NEVER EVER EVER bet on the bengals again, no matter how juicy the line looks

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