Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I just shot a 26...

Yes, you're reading that right....a 26!!!!!!!!! Ok, it was a par 3 course, with 2 par 4's mixed in there (went with the g/f), but if you do the math, thats still a 3 under par!!!! My short game is pretty deadly right now, so throw me on a par 3 course, and sparks are sure to fly, but a 3 under par 26?!?!?!?!!? Anyway, golf game is feeling great, and hopefully i can still get a good 2 months in before winter hits. I'm going out tomorrow morning to play, so, lets see what we can do. It's such a weird game though, one day your ball striking is amazing but you putt for anything, and the very next day, you're dropping 20 footers like they're gimmies, but you can't hit a fairway to save your life...i guess when you finally put those two things together...good things will come out of it...like 3 undrr par rounds lol
I was asked by one of my 2 readers what gets old about chillling, playing golf and playing poker....please refer to the graph at the top of this post...yes...i've run nearly $900 under expectation in the past 24 hours...that alone will make you want to quit the game...thankfully i've only lost about $500, but i mean i've NEVER seen anything like it...after quitting my session this morning, i told myself i was taking the rest of the week off...but my degeneracy is stronger then i thought, becuz i will probably be firing up 12 tables shortly lol The most insane thing ever is that i really feel like i'm playing some great poker these past few weeks...i've made some of the sickest calls and bluffs ive ever made...i don't know what is worse, the fact that i can't hit a draw to save my life, or the fact that i keep getting sucked out on when i get it in good...prime example of this...i flop top pair and a flush draw..other guy flops a set (of course he does)...we get it all in on the flop....i blank out (of course) ship $200 his way...about 20 hands later, i flop a set...some donk overbets pushes all in, i snap call...he has a flush draw, and hits...ship $200 his way. Shit like this is happening way too much...i can't remember the last time i hit a draw, and got paid ANYTHING on it...end rant.
Start my job thursday, so come on thursday!!!!!

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