Monday, August 25, 2008

Maybe i should try rockclimbing...

Went away for the weekend and found out i was a sick rockclimber lol. Actually, i had never done it b4 in my life, and they had this rock climbing wall maybe like 40 feet high and for $5 they gave you 2 climbs...i made it to the top both times. I must say, it was WAY harder then i thought it would be, and the wall tried to put a bad beat on me by having the last "stud thingy for your hands and feet" too small for my foot to stand on, but i pulled it off g/f...not so fortunate...good try though (again thankfully she won't be reading this)...

Anyway, month is coming to a close, and i have played an embarassing # of hands...only 19,000!!! This is gross!!! I've had a very busy month, and my g/f had a lot of it off too, but there is no excuse for only putting in 19k hands when i don't even work!!!! Oh well, maybe i can get that to 25k by the end of the month, but i doubt it, becuz once again, i'm going away this weekend (3 out of 4 weekends going away kills my poker playing!!). It's been a pretty blah month too...but, considering i haven't played too much, i can't be too upset. I'm looking for a nice surge to end the's to hoping...


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The ultimate bad beat

So, even the weather man decieded to team up with fulltilt and slap a bad beat on me. While i was gone for 9 days, i'm pretty sure not a single drop of rain fell because my lawn couldn't be more brown if someone actually spray painted it. I've been here for 2.5 months, and it hasn't gone more then 48 hours without rain, so the lawn looked fine with the occassional watering...i leave for 9 rain..sweet, we now have the worst lawn in the's my goal to get it looking decent again...i'll keep you updated


Monday, August 18, 2008

I hate poker

So after nearly 10 days, i log on to play some poker after a nice vacation and what happens???? I get set over seted within the first 15 minutes for $100. About 2 hours later i get set over seted again for $100, followed shortly by losing another $100 when my KJ of hearts lost with the 2nd nut flush when some moron had the A high flush and the coup de gras when i raised with re raised and just called...flop comes AKJ...sweet i check to him...he pushes his stack in (like $70 into a $21 pot) i snap call...he turns over A10...Q in the river...nice hand sir....$400 down the drain...%$*& me


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vacation time

So, as you can see, i couldn't have timed my vacation any better. Going back to the homeland for a week friday, so that pretty much means no online poker for the next week. I'm sure i'll squeeze in some live poker at the local casino, so i'll have to prepare myself for the fold-fest that is live poker.
Had a pretty sick day at the tables today. It actually couid've been even sicker if, for the 2nd time this week, i didn't lose the nut full house to f-ing quads...i mean seriously twice in a week????? It's getting old!! The way this one went down to was pretty gross...i won't go into detail, but i literally probably should've folded on the flop, but proceeded to hit perfect-perfect on the turn and river giving me the full if i would've won or even chopped that hand, it could've been close to a $700 day!! Finally got paid on my big hands today which was nice, and i made a few really sick bluffs to take down some nice pots (running good makes you feel invincible and bascially allowed me to have the stones to pull off these sick bluffs).
Anyway, thats it for now...for peace of mind alone, its nice to be taking a week away from "work" ending on a good note like today...i'll try to update from home if i do make it the casino...until then

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Golf blog????

So i went golfing today and slapped about the strangest 79 on the U of I blue course i've ever seen. Zero birdies, 2 double bogeys, 2 fairways and only 5 greens in regulation. I hadn't been golfing in almost 2 weeks, which is easily the longest stretch ive gone this summer. My ball striking could not have been worse. Literally 90% of the shots i hit today started like 30 degrees to the right, and just stayed right there, it was the most frusterating thing of all time. Pretty much from the first ball i hit on the range today, to my last shot on 18, 90% of the shots went right, and i couldn't fix it. I usually pride myself on being able to adapt to a problem mid round, and fix it later, but today i couldn't figure it annoying. My short game was SOLID today, hence the 79 instead if 85 or so....i must've had about 5 or 6 putts inside of 3 feet due to some very nice work around the greens. Anyway, i hadn't broken 80 in a few weeks, so it feels good to shot a 79, especially seeing as i hit 2 fairways and 5 greens. The most annoying part...on 3 ofthe par 5's i had irons in...and never made a F ing birdie...oh well

This hand pretty much sums up how i run in poker. .50-1.00 guy in middle postion makes in $ in BB with QQ, so i make it $13.50....he calls..flop comes Q66 (GIN BABY!!!)..i check it...he checks back...turn is a 7..i bet $20...he min riases to $40 (LOL ty sir), i just smooth call...river is a 4...i bet out like $35 of my last $50 (starnge way to play the hand i know, but i felt like pushing wasn't gonna get a call, so i bet almost all of it)..he pushes..i call with the nuts....WAIT....never mind Murph...he turns over 66 for the TRUE nuts and takes my $120 bucks with quads...very nice hand you work for fulltilt????? What is it like for someone to flop the stone cold nut fullhouse when your holding quads????? Good times good times...

Oh well...August is going decent i guess poker wise...FYI my SICK tv came and we set it up in tuesday, so maybe i'll take a picture and post don't know how good it is to go from a 24 inch box old school tv, to a 50 inch SILLY has been berry berry good to me


ps welcome back to the squad kyle farsworth...looks like you're fitting in perfectly already

Friday, August 1, 2008

Worst fold of all time????

Don't have too much time, so the goals post will have to wait, but i may have made the worst fold of all time. Playing .50-1nl...guy in middle position whose stats are kinda tight makes it 3.5...i have 77 so i make the call...guy in BB re pops it to 13...original guy calls, and so do i...flop comes J 7 2 rainbow...Guy in the BB bets 35...and immediately the original raiser pushes all in for like 100 its on me...i should've just snap called, but i started thinking...the guy in the BB clearly has AA or KK...but the other could he have to hand comes to mind...JJ...i went into the tank...there is now way he would do this with anything but JJ since he was a tight player...If he had AA or KK he would not have smooth called that 3 bet from the bb, he would've raised to get me out of the timing down to 1 second...i muck...BB calls the shove with AA..guy in the middle had his set all right...of FUCKING 2"S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would've been over a $300 pot, and i fucking mucked the winner...there was only 1 hand that beat hand...and i deciede he has to have that.

Any thoughts on this hand would be much appreciated. I mean, my read was right, he has to have a set in that spot, but i just didnt think he'd have 22...his stats were so tight, im actually shocked he called the 11 re raise pre flop with 22...oh well, ended up having over a $200 day anyway, so it doesn't sting as much...but it still stings.
