Friday, December 14, 2007

The ultimate bad beat

Ok, this will probably be my last blog for at least a week...g/f is flying into town tomorrow and we lave for Jamaica Monday morning, so, i'm thinking the following Monday may be the next blog...we'll see.

So you're wondering what the title refrs to? AA vs KK on a AKK72 board????? WRONG!!! How about the forecast in Jamaica next week is rain everyday....pretty sweet!!! I was looking forward to coming back with a MONEY tan, and its suppose to rain everday!! Oh well, i'll just have to hope it turns around...i ven settle on just 3 sunny days!!

So, these past 3 days, i've gone back to playing omaha8...this time though, i'm playing some 1/2 limit. I've realized limit all its truly the ultimate grind!! For 3 straight days, i've put in about an hour each day, and won about 20 bucks each day...which is a solid win rate, but the thing about limit poker is, you're never gonna have a 4 buy in day, or anything even clos to it. It's satisfying to book a win solid win rate 3 days in a row, but its frusterting that they wer only 20 bucks each day! I may decided to try out some 2/4, but the play seems so bad at 1/2 that it may b more profitabl to just play 1/2.

I go through phases while i play poker, and right now, i'm totally not feeling texas hold em...i'm running like shit, everytime i pick up a hand, everyone folds, etc etc etc. Thats the beauty of having more then 1 game in your arsenal...when u gt sick of one game, u can just play the other!! I strongly reccommend this to all poker players...branch out a little bit....experiment with some other games!! There is so much more to poker then just nl hold em!! Not only may u find out your actually better at say stud or omaha, but its the perfect cure for running like ass in hold em (which happens to ALL OF US!!)

Ok, gotta jet...wish me luck with my flights (i'm the unluckiest guy EVER when it comes to airports) and pray for warm, sunny weather!!!!!


ps for some reason, the "E" key is sticking on my laptop, so i'm sure there are 10001 typos in this post (mainly words missing an "E") don't think i was drunk while posting this!

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