Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The "P" key

Hey, its been a little while since i last updated...not much has happened...i've hemmoraged some money in multi tables, came close to a final table the other night, but i've been a losing player since last months 900 score...got a big night ahead of me tonight, so maybe i can go deep (lastnight, i busted out of 3 tournies holding pocket QQ and all 3 times no overs came came on the flop, so i've been getting cold decked big time lately!!) Sng's are still my money maker though! I'm starting to think about playing in a few $50 sngs!! We'll see though, 50 bucks is a pretty big jump from 30...i think once i crack the 2k barrier on sharkscope, i'll play some 50's!

So i went to the mall today for some Christmas shopping...was there for about 2 hours, bought 3 things for myself, and came home HAHAAHA I seriously couldn't find a sinlge ting to buy for ANYBODY!!!! Looks like i may have to go with the online shopping route...

So next week i'll be gone all week...in JAMAICA BABY!!!!! Looking forward to just relaxing and chilling on the beach for a week...i hope they have a good wireless connection there becuz i can't go a week without poker....HAHAHAA yeah right, i'm pretty sure my g/f would break up with me on the spot if i brouhg the laptop, so that means no poker next week!! I'm actually kind of looking forward to the break, i figure i can come back 100% refreashed!!

Quickly, i'm in borders books today, and i'm walking over the the sports/games section looking for any new poker books (yes i'm a loser) and as i'm walking over, this old brother drops the loudest BOMB ever right int he section!!!!!!!!! So, there was no way i was standing in that section now, so i wait about 10 minutes, and go back, and if i didn't know any better, the dude literally took a shit in the section it smelt so bad!!! So, i just left!! It was hilarious, yet at thesame time GROSS!!

Ok, off to the gym...late!


p.s. the title...the stupid "p" key on computer is like pseudo broken...i have no idea why, but u have to hit it extra hard for it to work..strange

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