Tuesday, March 29, 2011

[ ] i went to NCAA games last week

So, Mrs Murphy got me pretty good last week. I was under the impression that we were going to Chicago last Thursday-Monday for my "surprise" b-day weekend. Well, we got in the car Thursday to drive to Chicago, but about 30 minutes into the trip, she broke the news to me that we were going to the airport and flying to Lakeland Florida to go to Detroit Tigers spring training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winning!! It was pretty awesome! Literally everyone i knew had known about this for months and nobody ruined the surprise. 3 of my friends were in on it to, and they met us down there. We are all pretty die hard baseball fans, but none of us had ever been to spring training. It was pretty sweet. We are already talking about planning to go again next year. I ended up catching 3 home runs during batting practice the first game which were my first 3 balls ever at a game. I ended up catching the one barehanded which at the time was pretty sweet. Fast forward to the game. We are sitting in the 2nd row down the 3rd baseline and a scrub for the Braves lines one foul. The ball is hooking and i realize it's coming right for us. I lean forward, beer in my right hand, reach out my left hand, and snag the line drive!!!!!!! Aside from the tigers winning the game in the bottom of the 9th, it probably got the biggest ovation from the crowd. I think the best part was that i didn't spill a drop of my beer AND didn't drop the ball either. I couldn't get my ring off my hand for the next day since a few of my fingers were swollen, but it was well worth the pain. It's funny how many people during the rest of the game came up to me to tell me what a great catch i made lol. I was standing in line to re-fuel and i even had a few people congratulate me there and we weren't even in my section anymore. All in all it was a great trip. I ended up getting a pretty bad sunburn on my face and scalp, but it's pretty much gone now and i have a nice tan at this point. It sucked having to come back here to 40 degree weather, but whatever...spring is a coming! I got asked by a member who i played with once at the end of last season to be his partner for the mens league over at the country club, so i'm pretty excited about that. I would probably rather partner up with a friend, or someone more my age, but this guy is a department head over at the University, and kind of a big shot, so he's def a good guy to get to know. Season starts April 20th and runs through Sept so it should be a really good time. There is actually decent money to be won but i just like the competitiveness of it. Hitting shots when they matter is a whole lot different then messing around with friends on a Saturday afternoon. Plus it should help my tournament game playing in a competitive round every week. Ok, Tigers/Yankees game just started, so going to make some coffee and watch the game. Sorry for the 2 week gap in posts...it's been a busy 2 weeks! Murph

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So, gonna make this quick so i can get back to actually paying attention to the basketball game. Poker has been pretty blah this month. I'm up some money, which is more then i can say for last month, so i guess that's a good thing. I was actually having a really good month to start until the -11 buy in day.

Heading to Chicago tonight until Sunday. Mrs Murph has been planning my B-day for months, and the weekend is finally here. It's a complete surprise, so she won't tell me anything she has planned and it's kind of enraging. I hate surprises, and i like knowing where/what i'm going to be doing everyday when i wake up in the morning. I'm thinking she bought tickets for the 1st round of the NCAA tourny though since she told me to take Friday off work, AND one of the regions is in Chicago, but aside from that, i'm in the dark. I'm hoping for a fun weekend though!

Golf season is pretty much here which is money. The country club opened the course this week, so i think i'm going to try to play Sunday when we get back into town. The weather isn't great (forecast says high 50's), but i've been itching to play for a month now. I hit balls for the 1st time since November on Monday and it's like i hadn't stopped playing. It was amazing how well i hit the ball when i hadn't touched a club for months (didn't do any chipping or putting which i'm sure will take a few weeks to get back). I'm hoping to have a very good year golfing, and plan to play the same 6-7 local tournaments i played last year, plus a few at the country club. I changed my work schedule around for the spring/summer, so i should be able to get out and play 4-5 times a week if i want (probably won't play too much on weekends though), so it'll be like playing 3-4 times a week.

Alright have a good weekend all, hope all of your final 4 teams are still alive after the weekend (i have 3 #1's and a #3) going to the final 4. Run good one time please!!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Ok, as mentioned in my previous post, i plan to list my top 5 moments in my life. Since i don't actually have a top 5, that could be tough. I do know of a few though, so i'll start with #5. Calling into the Jim Rome show and getting racked. (You know you've led a fascinating life when THIS is a top 5 moment).

I've been huge Romey fan for close to a decade now. I've gone through periods of listening where i'd listen to all 3 hours just about everyday, to not listening for 4 or 5 months. Currently, i'm probably listening to 30-40 minutes a day. I don't actually remember the date (or year for that matter), but it was probably back in 2002. I was sitting around listening to Romey and he was talking about Tiger Woods and Steve Williams (his caddie). I decided i needed to be heard and said screw it, i'm calling the show (for the 1st time ever) and if i get through, i'm going to go off on the 2 of them. I call a few times and get a busy signal, but after a few tries, the phone starts ringing (YES!!!!!!!). After a few rings, J Stew answers and asks what i want to talk about. I tell him i plan to blow up Tiger and he says ok and puts me on hold. 15 minutes go by...nothing. 25 minutes go by....nothing. Now i'm both A)getting nervous and B)thinking he isn't going to go to my call. As i'm waiting, i'm becoming more and more nervous because i don't want to flame out mid-call. I begin to jot down some point form notes (like most clones) about what i want to talk about. If you don't know, Rome has a VERY short leash with callers, and ANY stumbling and you will get hung up on. So another 10 minutes go by, and i start thinking my point form notes aren't enough. I begin to literally write out my ENTIRE rant, word for word. (this is fairly common when ppl call into his show. See peoples calls ERRRRRR reads). After another 10 minutes or so, i've got my entire call written down and i'm reading to go.

At this point, it's been close to an hour of being on hold, and i'm starting to think i won't get on. My ears perk up when John Feinstein is his next guest, and they spent the next 10 minutes talking golf and Tiger Woods. Now i'm practically shitting my pants. I KNOW when he gets back from commercial, he's going to go to my call since that is specifically what i told J Stew i wanted to talk about. Sure enough, he comes back from break, and says lets go to "____ in _____). I"M ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My call errrrrrrrrrrrrr read goes off without a hitch, and i hear the most beautiful words you can hear when you end your call....RACK HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If i had to guess, i'd say my heart rate was beating over 200 beats/minute while i was going off on the phone. I hang up the phone literally shaking and the funniest thing ever happens. A buddy of mine calls me up and says "OMG were u just on the Jim Rome show? " He was just randomly listening and heard my name and city i lived in, and heard the call. Since this was so spur of the moment, i hadn't told anyone i was calling into the show. If i had planned this better, i probably would've told everyone i know i was calling into the Jim Rome show today.

Anyway, lame to most i know, but being such a die hard fan, and getting my call racked, was F ing amazing!! I was all set up to be the huge call of the day too, but Don in Nocal (a regular caller) called in like 15 minutes before the show was over and stole my thunder and Rome gave him huge call of the day.

For a while, i had Rome as my voicemail on my phone. I basically rigged it so i said
"Hi you've reached"
"___ in ____" Jim Rome from the call
"i can't get to the phone right now, but leave a message and i'll call you back
"Rack him" again Jim Rome saying this

Ahhhh the good old days.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

[ ] gg February

I probably won't be doing monthly reviews but since this was my worst month of all time, i figured i'd make an exception. The graph pretty much sums up the month. Was stuck 3k 5 days into the month and it was an uphill battle the entire time. I made a pretty nice comeback though, so all things considering, it wasn't that bad. I'm not 100%, but i also think 80k hands is the most i've ever put in for a month. It's wierd, when i'm losing, i always want to play more but when i'm winning, i don't mind putting in short sessions, and only playing 40k hands/month. The way things were going at the end of the month, if Feb was a typical 30/31 day month, i bet i would've finished in the green. It really doesn't matter though since we as poker players shouldn't judge ourselves on a month by month basis (but most of us do). Anyway, so long Feb 2011...you won't be missed.
I have a plan to blog about my top 5 greatest moments of my life at some point. I'm actually not even sure what they are since i haven't really though about it too much, but my next post will be the start of the top 5. Spoiler alert....it was when i got racked on the Jim Rome show. If you don't know what it means to get racked, kindly never come to this blog again...thanks.