Friday, January 9, 2009

December Review

So, sorry for kind of punting on the blog for the last couple weeks. I've been pretty swamped with work, and i know to do the year in review, i'm going to have to go back through all the blogs, which will take a bit of effort, hence i haven't done it yet.

That being said, i hope to do the year in review this weekend. I have my December review done though. I finally had a pretty good month (1st time since the summer i think). Like i said at the beginning of the month, i really wanted to get in a lot of heads up, and i played about 10k hands of heads up, and absolutely crushed it for an awesome win rate. I said my goal was to get 5k hands of heads up in for december, and doubled that! This month my goal is to get 10k hands in. Including rakeback and quite a bit of omaha8 and stud8, i ended the month up like $2725. My omaha8 game has really been coming around too which is nice. The only reason i'm playing it is becuz since i really don't accumulate fulltilt points playing heads up, i need another way to get my 100 for the day, and if i don't feel like 9 tabling full ring, i can just 2 table 2/4 omaha8 while watching tv to get 100 points.

So far this month, i am absolutely crushing it!! I don't want to say how much i'm up, becuz last month i did that, and the VERY next session i played, i got crushed, so i'll keep it on the d.l. but lets just say i pwning people! In January i'm looking to get in around 30k hands or so as oppossed to the 20k this month (took a week off for x-mas). It's not really about the number of hands right now, becuz i can only 2 table heads up, so its hard to put in a crazy amount of hands.

Ok, like i said, hopefully this weekend, i can put the yr in review up, but with my strong December, i may have made a nice piece of change on 2008! Have a good weekend all, and just an FYI, if i tell you to bet on a game, just bet the last 2 locks (indy v san diego and Okla money line were both big losers!


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