Friday, December 19, 2008

YEAR IN REVIEW....coming soon

ZOMG, it's about that time of the year....year in review baby!!! I'll be posting it probably just after christmas, so make sure to check back to see if i hit any of my goals for 2008! I really have no idea what the grand total was/is for 2008, so i'm actually excited to crunch some numbers myself!

Ok, this might be my last post before christmas, so have a good holidays everyone, and if you're playing in a home poker game over the holidays, DO NOT BLUFF ppl. who don't know how to play the game!!



jackie baby said...

Hello poker fan's this is jackie Murphy's sexy poker girlfriend you should watch out when you play him because he will bust trust me and he will make you want to quit poker so be careful and good luck donkey's :}

Unknown said...

When are we gonna get this year in review!!! I've been checking for it every morning.