Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's golf season baby

So, i decieded to dust of the clubs and begin golf season a little early. When i left the house, it was like 50 and pretty sunny...relatively calm outside. By the time i teed off, the sun was pretty much gone, and it was insanely windy...probably 25mph winds. What do i do?? Slap a 38 on the front 9 of the U of I orange course!!!!!!!!!!!! It was wierd for a 1st round. My ball striking wasn't great, but my short game was pretty silly! So i get to the back 9 thinking man i could really put together a nice round here...7 bogeys later i step to the 17th tee a beaten man lol. Oh well, parred 17 and 18 for an 81. All in all a pretty good day. I literally lost my swing on the 13th hole though...i rolled a tee shot...then another...then another...6 more later, i gave up (technically it wasn't an 81 since i just used a muligan here...it didn't matter since my 6th drive was pretty much next to my 1st...about 75 yards away lol). Then i rolled my drive on the 14th too, so considering that, i'm happy with the round, espeically considering it was so windy during the day that downwind from 158, i played a pitching wedge, and into the wind, from 160, i hit a FOUR IRON!!!! So yeah...good start to the season!! I'm actually planning on playing the Illinois state amateur this year...the qualifying is a sick course here, so i'm not expecting much, but i'm excited to play some tournament golf...i figure i'll just really put in the practice hours a month or so b4 the qualifier...i'll keep u all posted...i'm looking for a caddy, so if you live in the area...hit me up!

So, here is probably the sickest hand of poker i've ever been involved in. Sorry the hand didn't convert like it should've, but i think you can still get the jist of what happened. This hand bascially sums up the month for me. Thankfully i finished in the black for the month, but made less than 1k. For those of you that know the reference, this hand really was the ultimate matty. He turned over QQ all in on the flop, and i was like "yeah"...the flop came down, and iwas like "fukc fukc"...the turn came and i was like "yeah yeah", then the river came, i threw up all over myself...good times!

Full Tilt Poker $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 9 playersThe Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked.com

UTG: $211.60UTG+1: $546.80Lesmurphy (UTG+2): $579.85MP1: $150.70MP2: $106.80CO: $214.50BTN: $167.70SB: $200.00BB: $40.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Lesmurphy is UTG+2 with K K
2 folds, Lesmurphy raises to $7, MP1 calls $7, MP2 calls $7, CO raises to $38, 3 folds, Lesmurphy raises to $100, 2 folds, CO raises to $214.50 all in, Lesmurphy calls $114.50
Flop: ($446.00) A Q 6
Turn: ($446.00) K
River: ($446.00) Q
Spoiler: Final Pot: $446.00Lesmurphy shows Kc Ks (a full house, Kings full of Queens)CO shows Qh Qs (four of a kind, Queens)CO wins $443.00(Rake: $3.00)


Sunday, March 15, 2009

The people have spoken

So after a unanimous poll, i guess i will have to continue this blog...ty to all of you who voted! Nothing much going on...i ran a disgusting $700 under ev this weekend, and only ended up losing a couple hundred bucks, so i guess thats not too bad. This month really hasn't been going great. A stong Jan and Feb have my expectations a bit high i guess, but i was hoping to be up more than i am halfway through the month. Not sure if i mentioned this before, but i'm going to vegas Thurs-Mon this week!! It should be a pretty epic trip since its all dudes going, AND its the 1st week of the ncaa tourny. Since the wife isn't going, i'm looking to get a ton of grinding in, and if all goes well, i'll make enough to cover the expenses of the trip. Let me run good one time!!

Ok, thats it for now i guess. I'm pretty cised that the spring is finally here, so i should be dusting off my golf clubs this week, and hope to be out on the links the week i get back from vegas.


Friday, March 6, 2009

The end of an era???

So in case you haven't noticed, it's been a while since i've blogged. I've realized my blog bascially turned into nothing more than an update how how much money i won/lost each month. There was no real content in the past few months. That being said. Feb. was a really good month money wise. Overall, i don't think i played that well, but i absolutely crushed it playing heads up, and play over 60k hands of full ring, so between the HU and rakeback, i had a really solid month.

There is a chance i'm not going to be blogging anymore. I really don't feel like advertising how i'm doing in poker...those of you who know me, will find out anyway. There is still a decent chance i'll keep the blog going though, i'll just have to post a little more often then i had been. I'm going to set up a poll on whether or not i should keep the blog going.

Oh, i'm going to be in Vegas March 19-23rd, so if you see my grinding at the poker tables...do yourself a favor and don't sit at my table..your bank account will thank you LOL.


Saturday, January 31, 2009


Well, i planned on being done for the month, but since im a degenerate, i needed to play today. I ended up losing $80 playing omaha8 and stud8, but kind of made up for it winning another $610 playing 100nl. So if u want to get techinical, i won $5617 this month!!!!!!! I'm actually just going to start Feb today, so this extra $530 is going to show up on the Feb graph, but non the less, this makes my sickest month ever quite a bit sicker!!! Weeeeeeeeeee


Jan Review...Decent Month

So, as you can see, i got off to a pretty decent start to 2009. The grand total for the month was $5087!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sickest month by nearly $2k! The month was helped by my $350 full tilt year end bonus. Also booked about $400 in rakeback too. It was such a wierd month. Everyday i would book a huge win, i would expect the next day to have a losing day, giving some of it back (seems to be the way it goes with me), but it just never happened. The insane thing is, it's not like a ran super hot, i just literally ran into TONS of donkeys just handing me there money. I only played 8k of heads up, but crushed it for about the same rate as i did last month. I seriously need to somehow motivate myself to play more heads up though. I wanted to play at least 10k hands of heads up this month, but i crushed full ring so bad, that i felt like i might as well ride the wave while i can.

There really isn't too much else to say i guess. I am absolutely elated about how this month went, but i know i probably won't continue this way for the rest of 2009. It feels pretty good to be 1/4 of the way to my goal in 2009 1 month in though!! Who knows though, maybe my poker game really is coming together perfectly right now. I really revamped my game about 6 months ago, and i really hadn't seen the results i was expecting from this change i made. Maybe i have finally figured out the perfect way to maximze value playing this style. I still would like to start incorporating more 200nl into my everyday play though. I'm still only playing 1 table of 200nl with all my 100nl tables, and thats only if i can find a donkey at the 200nl tables. Oh well, 100nl has been pretty good to me, and i feel SOOOOO comfortable sticking my whole stack in weak, or a draw, whereat 200nl, i don't feel comfortable doing that, which means i won't be playing my A game.

Ok, got some other amazing news, and i may post about it later today, who knows. Have a good superbowl weekend all, and heres to running hot in Feb.!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Goals for 2009

I'm going to make this short and sweet. Make 20k and play way more heads up, and way less donkaments.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2008 YEAR IN REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!

So, i'm 2 weeks late, but i think i'm ready for the year in review. Looking back on 2008, it was quite a year. My poker game has evolved quite a bit, and i think the funniest thing is that i started out the year playing multi tables and SNG's, and i ended the year playing strictly cash games. I think the days of playing multi tables for me are pretty much over. I just really can't stand them. It's a love hate though. There is nothing quite like making a final table, and the feeling you get when you take one down, but i just feel like that euphoric feeling does not outweigh the constant feeling of losing a flip and busting out, or getting sucked out on, and busting out. In cash games when the donk sucks out, you can rebuy and try to get your money back, but in donkaments, you're done. I just think cash games are the way my game is heading now. Funny thing is, looking back on a post from almost exactly a year ago, i was saying how SNG's were my bread and butter, and i haven't played a sng for 7 or 8 months now lol.

I started the year playing sngs 50nl, and now i'm playing a mix of 100nl and 200nl. I like the small progress i have made moving up stakes, but to be honest with you, i really don't have aspirations to play anything higher than 200nl. 400nl is a VERY hard game to beat, and i'm not sure i would ever feel comfortable sticking $400 in the middle on nothing more than a draw, or even worse, a bluff. I guess i probably would've said the same thing about $200 one year ago, so who knows, but you can make a pretty decent living playing 200nl. As far as other goals, i'll save that for another my next post.

Onto the bottom line. I'm not going to get into specifics since i was too lazy to breakdown the winnings by site/rakeback/bonuses/etc..but in 2008, i netted $16,678!!!!! Seeing as 1 year ago, my goal for 2008 was to make 10k (a goal i realistically didnt think was possible), i would say it was an excellent year! I didnt get pokertracker until april, so posting my poker tracker graph would be pretty useless, and again, i don't know how many hands i played on the year either although i wish i did. My biggest month was March were i won $3055 and i had one losing month (not sure if this is good or bad...i feel like even having 1 losing month is VERY bad, but i may be being too hard on myself) and that was September where i lost a measly $192. I pretty much averaged $1400/month. For a quick glance into 2009, i really feel like $1400/month is not going to be something i am very happy with. I feel like my game has evolved quite a bit over the last 6 months, and by starting to play some HU, my game is only expanding, so i really feel like 2009 is going to even better than 2008!

Anyway, i'm getting off point. This should be a very joyous post because i met, and exceeded my goal for 2008 by over 50%! I actually got absolutely crushed today in HU running an unbelivable 6 buy ins -ev, and was in no mood to do the year in review, but decieded to do it anyway. After i tallied up the numbers, i was in one of my better moods in a while! Not to brag too much or anything, but it feels pretty amazing knowing that i made this kind of money from a stupid game we call poker!! 99.9% of people out there play poker just like they play gin, or hearts with the family or with friends, but i turned this "hobby" into something productive. Addiction???? You can call it that i guess, but ask yourself this....if you knew you could make 16k doing something you love to do, wouldn't you put in a couple hours a day doing it?? If you answered no to this, you are probably lying to yourself, or you're a hater. I call it hard work, plain and simple. I put in more time than post poker players playing/reading/watching videos/learning and this is my reward for it. I am not a lucky person, i am a dedicated person. I had a goal to learn and beat the game of poker, and eventhough i am still lightyears away from mastering it, i have a pretty good grasp for the game of poker. Put the time in yourself, practice practice practice and you'll start to win money in this game too...i promise you!! A few years ago, i turned a hobby into an obsession, and i am reaping the benefits from it now! In other words, "get your ink, or go give him a hand"

I think that's enough for now, as i'm sure nobody is actually reading at this point anyway. I comtemplated ending my blog seeing as i rarely update it with anything juicy or even interesting, so i'm still not sure if i'm going to keep it going. Blogs come and go, and at some point this blog has to end, so maybe this is a good time...i'll pull an Elway, and go out on top! Good luck to you guys in 2009, i'll post in the next couple days with my goals for 2009.


ps i also won a 50" plasma tv from the pokerstars store, a garmin gps system, and a 24" computer monitor in 2008...retail value...lots of monies!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

December Graph

December Review

So, sorry for kind of punting on the blog for the last couple weeks. I've been pretty swamped with work, and i know to do the year in review, i'm going to have to go back through all the blogs, which will take a bit of effort, hence i haven't done it yet.

That being said, i hope to do the year in review this weekend. I have my December review done though. I finally had a pretty good month (1st time since the summer i think). Like i said at the beginning of the month, i really wanted to get in a lot of heads up, and i played about 10k hands of heads up, and absolutely crushed it for an awesome win rate. I said my goal was to get 5k hands of heads up in for december, and doubled that! This month my goal is to get 10k hands in. Including rakeback and quite a bit of omaha8 and stud8, i ended the month up like $2725. My omaha8 game has really been coming around too which is nice. The only reason i'm playing it is becuz since i really don't accumulate fulltilt points playing heads up, i need another way to get my 100 for the day, and if i don't feel like 9 tabling full ring, i can just 2 table 2/4 omaha8 while watching tv to get 100 points.

So far this month, i am absolutely crushing it!! I don't want to say how much i'm up, becuz last month i did that, and the VERY next session i played, i got crushed, so i'll keep it on the d.l. but lets just say i pwning people! In January i'm looking to get in around 30k hands or so as oppossed to the 20k this month (took a week off for x-mas). It's not really about the number of hands right now, becuz i can only 2 table heads up, so its hard to put in a crazy amount of hands.

Ok, like i said, hopefully this weekend, i can put the yr in review up, but with my strong December, i may have made a nice piece of change on 2008! Have a good weekend all, and just an FYI, if i tell you to bet on a game, just bet the opposite...my last 2 locks (indy v san diego and Okla money line were both big losers!
