Monday, December 15, 2008

Been awhile

Not too much has been going on with me lately. Took a MASSIVE hit last weekend following my nice start to the month (standard), but i've grinded it all back, and then some, so i'm feeling pretty good about my game right now. I think my goal was 5k hands of heads up this month, and i'm already at like 7k, and it's going pretty well. I feel like my heads up game is really solid right now, and im looking forward to playing more heads up in 09! Going home for a week 19-26th, so no poker then which kind of sucks, but the break will be nice. Hopefully i can finish this week strong, take a week off, and finish the month even stronger!

Anyway, gonna jet...i have to get up at 415am tomorrow for work (dagger!), so i'm going to bed pretty early tonight. You may notice the pokerstars logo on the top of my signed up for the world blogging champaionships on stars...its pretty amazing actually...6 free chances at some pretty nice prizes, so wish me luck in those...i think i'll only be able to play 4 of the tournies though. Have a good holiday all!


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