Friday, May 9, 2008

Fun afternoon...not so much

Had a lot of fun playing this afternoon...up until about hand 621...thats a nice looking drop isn't it?? The funny thing is, around hnad 550 or so, i was about to text someone telling them fulltilt is giving some back after WHORING me yesterday....this down slope was courtesy of my AA vs 66..all in pre flop for $100 pot....yes 66 for 50 bucks...then he started ripping me after the hand... about 10 hands later, utg raises, i call with AK on button...flop comes AK7 rainbow...long story short...he had the fucking Aces!! thanks for that one fulltilt...then about 50 hands later, this guy made one of the sickest/worst calls ive ever seen in my life to take another stack from me...i raised pre flop...raised him on the flop...raised him on the turn...and pushed all in over his bet on the river...he called with top pair shitty kicker on a 3 striaght and flushy board this point i IMMEDIATELY shut down fulltilt!! lol

Oh well...i'm off to a pretty good start for the month, so i'm not complaining...but ive cooled down a bit the past couple lets try to reactivate my boomswitch baby!!


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