Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I think i felted a squirel today

So, i'm about 99% sure i felted a squirel today driving...pretty sure it's the 1st squirel i've ever hit when driving, so RIP little man. In other news, i'm off to VEGAS BABY tomorrow!!!!!!!! It's gonna be pretty epic! The wife is coming so it won't be a 100% grinding trip, which is good, but i'll still be able to get in a few hours each day i think...who knows, maybe i'll mix in a donkament too. We're staying at Cesars Palace, so needless to say, its gonna be pretty solid! I'm hoping to have at least 1 celeb run in whole we're out there...preferably a poker player, but i'll settle for my boy michael phelps, eventhough i've already played poker with him b4 (if you're reading this Mike...keep mucking those Kings preflop LOL).

Anyway, gotta run, gotta watch the end of real chance of love, then have to pack and get some sleep becuz for some reason, i don't think i'll be getting much sleep in vegas (just a hunch). I should have a pretty epic trip report when i come home!


1 comment:

jackie baby said...

Hello poker fan's im murphy's sexy girlfriend and im just warning you to watch out for him because he will bust you and make you want to quit poker so good luck boy's