Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack

Due to popular demand, i'm going to start blogging again. I figured since a few of my "friends" over at a certain poker forum were checking this blog first thing every morning, i'll leave them a nice surprise when they check back.

I'm not really sure what the breakdown of my blogging is going to be. I'm thinking 50% life, 50% poker. I don't want to give out too much personal information since there are a few crazies on the aforementioned poker forum that for some reason really want to know more about me and i really don't feel like coming home one day seeing a ransom letter on my dinning room table saying they have Mrs. Murph (joking obv...mostly).

Poker: Poker has been going about has bad as it has ever gone for me. I'm on my way to booking my first losing month since i've been playing professionally (2+ years). If i don't have a pretty huge last week of Feb, i will have lost $$$ at the tables. The good news is that i bought the FTP 5k bonus this month (coincidence?) AND i shipped $600 in the super bowl squares pool, so all that taken into consideration, i'm going to end up having a decent month bankroll wise, but that doesn't take away from the fact that i'm probably going to end up booking a "losing month". December 2010 i had my worst ever month to date, so having my 2 worst months as a poker player in a 3 month span hurts.

I think i've been running situationally about as bad a humanly possible. I'm 7 or 8 buy ins -ev also, and it's just destroyed my confidence. What's wierd is that my stats have been TIGHTER this month than ever before (shouldn't i be going on tilt and playing more hands when getting crushed?) W/e though. I shipped 1k these past few days, so i'm on the uptick hopefully.

Life: Leaving Mrs Murph behind and having a dudes night out tonight, so pretty jacked about that. Dudes night out isn't quite the same though when you're in your 30's, and have friends with kids, but it still should be a good time. There is a chance some live poker will be involved, so if we hit up the casino, i'll post some interesting hands.

We are 98% sure we are going to be building a house this spring. We meet with the builder tomorrow for the 2nd time, and if all goes well, we should be breaking ground next week. Pretty excited to be moving into the neighborhood that our plot is in as it's one of the nicest subdivisions in town AND it's less than 0.5 miles from the head coach of the football team (rather not say the school for reasons mentioned above).

Pretty jacked about golf season too. We joined the country club last year, so i plan on playing golf at least 3-4 times a week. Course is one of the tougher courses around, so it's a very frustrating course to play, but i like a challenge, and all the members say if you can go low here, you can go low ANYWHERE, so as frustrating as it's going to be playing almost all my golf there, it should take my game to the next level...i hope.

Ok, gonna grab something to eat. I'll try to update a few times a week. I kept this thing going for almost 2 years on a pretty regular basis, so i think i can do it again.



Abstract said...

Yesss, its alive again, my mornings are complete :)

Unknown said...

Whatta darshwagon